Assurance and transparency

Ensuring Our commitment to excellence

Our values are the Foundation of Our Output

At Nordicom, we hold ourselves accountable for delivering top-notch quality. This means we prioritize high-quality work and take preventive measures. Our processes involve continuous education, agent training, and KPI measurements. Additionally, we conduct regular follow-ups through individual discussions and workshops on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. We firmly believe that going the extra mile, acquiring extra knowledge, and being well-prepared are investments that pay off.

KPI kvalitet kundservice
KPI kvalitet kundservice

Quality procedures

Performance metrics

By utilizing various performance metrics like First Contact Resolution (FCR), Service Level, Average Handling Time (AHT), and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), we can ensure swift response times and enhanced customer contentment. These key indicators also enable us to pinpoint agents who may require additional assistance. To enhance customer loyalty, we gauge and enhance metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Effort Score (CES). The data is openly available to our clients through our support center.

Multichannel integration

Research has demonstrated that a seamless system that facilitates communication across various channels benefits both agents and customers. Such a system enables agents to communicate effortlessly, stay better prepared, and experience reduced stress levels. Customers, in turn, receive quicker assistance and can avoid the inconvenience of repeating themselves. Multichannel integration enhances our efficiency and allows us to allocate the appropriate resources to each customer.

Agent contentment

Research findings highlight that contented agents are more inclined to go the extra mile in assisting customers, resulting in improved KPI performance. Additionally, satisfied agents tend to have longer tenures, contributing to their experience over time. This, in turn, allows Nordicom to allocate less time to recruitment and training of new employees. We prefer to invest this time in internal training, conferences, group activities, or business development.

Training and Learning

Becoming a proficient customer service professional or a skilled leader is not an overnight endeavor, nor is it an expectation we set. We ensure high-quality performance through ongoing coaching, one-on-one discussions, and a commitment to internal career advancement. Collaboratively with our agents, we formulate individualized development plans that emphasize their strengths and areas for enhancement. At the group level, regular workshops are conducted to address complex topics and confront challenges.